Intra-trade brings stability through Price Stability, empowering farmers with Contractual Farming, fostering balanced Trade Agreements, and amplifying impact through effective Lobbying & Advocacy, ensuring food security for all.
The Big Picture In Numbers
Market Share
While 47 OIC countries collectively secured 30.8% of the market share, the top 10 performers claimed an overwhelming 69.2% share, emphasizing the untapped potential for economic growth through collaboration.
Net Trade Deficit (2019)
In 2019, the OIC countries faced a substantial net-food trade deficit of $65 billion, highlighting the need for recalibrating trade relations for a more equitable distribution of resources.
Per Anum Food Import
OIC countries import food mostly from countries like USA, Russia, China, India, and Brazil mostly. There is a huge roam in intra-trade between OIC countries. Almukarramah is taking landmark steps towards it.
Key Trends In Intra-trade Across OIC Countries
The data points collectively illuminate the multifaceted nature of intra-trade within the OIC community. It becomes evident that the current landscape holds a mix of challenges and potential. The challenges, ranging from trade deficits to uneven market shares, underscore the need for coordinated strategies that can promote balanced, sustainable, and mutually beneficial trade practices among member states. Simultaneously, the potential highlighted by net trade surpluses in specific commodities demonstrate that success stories exist within the OIC community, providing valuable lessons for others to emulate.
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Special Agri Zones
Among OIC countries, 31 experienced trade deficits, while 25 had trade surpluses in vegetables and fruits, highlighting the importance of coordinated strategies to rectify imbalances.
Six OIC countries reported net trade surpluses in sugar and honey, while 50 countries faced deficits in the same category, emphasizing the need to address barriers to agricultural trade.
Disparity In Trade
Trade Imbalance
Advocating Intra-trade Across OIC Countries For Collective Growth
Intra-trade, the heartbeat of economic synergy among the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member countries, holds immense potential to reshape the agricultural landscape and foster shared prosperity. This strategic pillar presents a multifaceted opportunity to harness untapped potential, address existing trade imbalances, and create a future of economic resilience, unity, and growth.
Price Stability
Price stability, achieved through mechanisms like strategic reserves and transparent pricing strategies, safeguards vulnerable communities from market volatility.
Contractual Farming
Contractual farming establishes partnerships between investors and farmers, providing financial security, access to modern techniques, and a stable market.
Trade Agreements
Comprehensive trade agreements among OIC countries create an environment where trade serves as a channel for progress and cooperation, and much more.
Lobbying & Advocacy
Lobbying influences policymakers to reflect OIC community interests in regulations and policies, while advocacy mobilizes public support for initiatives.
A New Era: Agri-Public Private Partnerships (Ag-PPP)
A new paradigm is to use Agricultural Public Private Partnership (Ag-PPP) to achieve wider and sustainable impacts, The main goal of PPPs is to leverage the strengths and resources of each partner to achieve sustainable and inclusive Agri growth.
PPPs can help to mitigate risk in agriculture by leveraging the strengths and resources of different partners and stakeholders.
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